Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Parker Sketch Art Reception @ Newfangled Modern Market

Reception for Parker Sketch's show at Newfangled Modern Market!

Check out Parker Sketch's vibrant modern pop art. This show will include some of Parker's newest work, shown for the first time! Cartoon characters, demons, video game characters, and splashes of paint compe...
te for attention on his canvases! This show is a must-see!

This reception is part of DeLand Art Walk 4th Friday. 4th Friday Downtown Art Walk is a fun filled evening for the entire family! There are over 20 retail shops and restaurants participating this month. Every stop on the walk will have a brochure with a map showing you all of the locations on the walk. This month we are thrilled to have Parker Sketch!

Parker Sketch will be at Newfangled Modern Market to share his insight, and answer any questions you may have about his work!

We will be serving a signature drink and appetizers.

Newfangled Modern Market stocks Men's & Women's Apparel and Accessories as well as Modern Industrial Home Decor and interesting Objects. There are monthly art shows featuring amazing local artists of all kinds.

Newfangled Modern Market
102 South Woodland Blvd
DeLand, FL 32720

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