It all started with Snow Whites lips.. I was obsessed with them in my early days. I went through my lil coloring book and filled them in with luscious shades of red. Her full sumptuous lips were ablaze on every bland beige page. I graduated from lips 101 to bigger & better things. Like drawing Bat Girls vicious high heeled boots or outer space princesses with huge and intricate headdresses that looked like they had just walked straight off a Las Vegas stage. Through most of my adult life I let my art sit in the corner like a naughty lil boy. Only to bring him out on holidays to liven up friends & family. Now in this stage of my life art consumes me. I can't get or produce enough to feel full. My paintings are a mash up of my dreams, fears, and the day to day life that inspires them with a dash of my evil side thrown in....
Cake Marques

Cake Marques:
"Spock on the Pot." 11" X 14" (Oil on Canvas Panel)
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